B2B Purchase – Return Policy

Brandeyes wants our return process to be as easy and hassle-free as possible.


We accept returns within 90 days of the original purchase date. To be eligible for a return, the product must be in its original condition and packaging, should not be damaged and dirty. On receiving products in our warehouse, we will check the condition of products. If found ok then we will swap these with other products or issue the Credit Note. Otherwise the product will be returned and freight charges to be borne by the sender/retailer.


Brandeyes will be responsible for shipping the product to the Partner after replacement only. The Partner is responsible for all shipping / handling charges related to sending the product to authorized service center/ warehouse. Products must be shipped in their original packaging suitably protected to avoid damage during shipping.

Brandeyes will not be responsible for any damage incurred during shipment. Brandeyes will only be responsible for packages that are verified and received into its warehouse via a shipment tracking number provided by the Partner’s shipping agency.


To initiate the return, please contact customer care customercare@brandeyes.in and share the quantity and reason to return. Our Team will review the request, this will take 3 to 4 working days. Once it gets approved for return our team will revert to partner.

Please allow us at least 14 working days for successful completion of your replacement claim (depending upon stock availability).

If a replacement for product is not in stock, Brandeyes reserves the right to replace the product with a similar product of approximately the same value (the same value mentioned in the VAT/GST invoice receipt/ paid value).

Skullcandy regularly changes the models, colorways, and styles of its Products and cannot guarantee the availability of an exact replacement for any Product.


All Credit Note/Swapping of products are subject to Brandeyes approval, and its decision will be final.

Please allow us 30 business days to issue Credit Note.
In case of non-acceptance of product delivery by partner or product delivery return due to wrong address or non-availability of Partner at the said address, the value of freight will be adjusted from initial advance.


Return/replacement claim is under the sole discretion of Brandeyes and failure to follow the required procedures may cause your return/replacement claim to become void.

Brandeyes does not assume any liability for any incidental, consequential or indirect damage under this Return/Replacement.